Can Parrots Eat Mango? (Yes, But How Much…?)

Almost every fruit you can find in the market (except avocado), parrots can eat some, if not all of it safely, and mango fruit fall in this category as well.

So, Can parrots eat mango?

Yes, parrots can eat mango as it’s not toxic to them, and they are probably going to enjoy eating them because of its sweetness. However, unlike seeds and nuts, mango is not enough to make up the nutritional requirements for parrots, so using them as treats from time to time is ideal.

And before you go to prepare mango slices, it’s recommended to learn everything you should know to keep the needed balance when you are feeding mango to your bird.

Here in this article, you will find out about everything about parrots eating mango, how often they can eat it, can they consume mango subproducts, and what are the nutrients and benefits your parrot will find in mango.

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parrot eating mango

What Nutrients Mango contains

Mango is full of essential nutrients for both humans and parrots. And according to the US Department of Agriculture, (1), every 165 Grams of sliced fresh mango contains:

  • Calories: 99
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Suger: 23 Grams
  • Protein: 1.6 gram
  • Vitamin A: 1785 IU
  • Vitamin C: 60.1 mg
  • Potassium: 277 mg
  • Magnesium: 17 mg
  • Vitamin B-6: 0.2 mg
  • Soudium: 2 mg
  • Fat: 0.6

Mango also contains other nutrients like iron, calcium, Vitamin K, Folate, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and antioxidants.

What Your Parrot will Benefit From Eating Mango

You cannot ignore the benefits associated with parrots eating mango. mango contains many essential nutrients for your bird’s system and actually, mango can help with many health problems your parrot might face.

And with this in mind, you should know the benefits found in mango for parrots are closer to being prophylactic than curative, and feeding mango to your parrot cannot heal or cure serious health problems.

Here are several important benefits your parrot will get in the long run from eating mango.

Better Heart Health

having a parrot trained to fly freely is very prodigious, and it’s recommended for every parrot owner and lover to train their parrots and not deprive them of what they do best.

However, flying is a strenuous activity, don’t think that birds can do it easily, they need a healthy cardiovascular to take off and flap their wings enough to maintain the height and speed, and to control the way and direction while their flights, and finally to land where they want.

The existence of magnesium and potassium in mango can help maintain a healthy pulse and relaxed vessels (2, 3), and with these two minerals, no wonder why mango can support the heart of your parrot.

Better Immune System

Sometimes parrots and other birds can transmit diseases and infections to each other, and if one of these individuals suffers from a weak immune system, then there is a probability that the bird will get sick and will need a vet service, eventually.

The lack of vitamin A can cause weakness in the immune system of your parrot. Vitamin A is essential to fight diseases and infections, also is necessary to increase immunity.

Vitamin A is extremely critical for parrots, and because seed diets are all vitamin A Deficient, there is an undoubtedly chance that your parrot may suffer from Vitamin A deficiency that will cause a slow and painful death.

Make sure your bird is getting enough dosage of Vitamin A, and luckily mango is an excellent source of it.

Besides That, mango also contains Vitamin C, which can boost the immune system of parrots. Although most parrots can produce this vitamin within their systems, except Sun Conure, which needs this vitamin from an external source like mango.

Better Gut Function

When the digestive tract of the parrots absorbs most of the water from the food coming in, Constipation occurs and the parrot will suffer in pain. And if the parrot can eat while the stool is hard, it’s better to give him slices of mango that can help him and cure constipation.

The existence of fiber in the mango will help to soften the stool and cure constipation, eventually. (you should observe the stool shape and frequency to determine whether this constipation situation needs vet help).

Besides that, and because fibers can absorb water, this actually may help with diarrhea, by solidifying the stool and adding bulk to it, which will make it easier to pass it out.

Mango can help to maintain a healthy digestive system and can prevent occurring of constipation.

Better Mood

When your parrot eats mango, this could boost your parrot mood, especially if it’s molting time. Molting can get very stressful for parrots, and mango can surely help with that.


When the body of your parrot breaks down the food he has eaten, there is a molecule called free medical is being formed. Free radicals are important for every living being’s body, including us and parrots.

This molecule can help in fighting infections and diseases, and they are essential for the immune system, but the problem is when free radicals outnumber the antioxidant on the body.

And when this happens, oxidative stress could happen and cause serious health problems, like damaging the DNA that could lead to cancer. Yes, Parrots Can get cancer.

Luckily, mango contains a good level of antioxidants varieties that will help to maintain balance, fight the aging process, and protect the cells from being distracted, for both humans and parrots.

Delicious Treat

For many people, mango is the favorite fruit, the same goes with parrots, they may prefer it more than the other type of fruits. So, test the waters by giving your parrot a small slice, and see how he would react.

How Much Mango Parrot Can Eat?

As we see, mango is a very nutrient-packed fruit that can help your parrot. But the truth is mango is one fruit that could cause weight gain over time for your parrot without you noticing until it’s too late. With the high-calorie content in mango, you can easily and unintentionally exceed this need and cause your parrot to get chubbier.

You can serve small slices and bits of mango every once in a while, and if you want to include mango as an ingredient in your parrot daily meals, you must make sure you are not stuffing it excessively into your bird’s diet.

For me, I don’t feed mango to my African greys and cockatoos regularly. slices of mango in random, spaced periods is what I am doing. And I always take the measurements.

These measurements are important. If you don’t know how many calories your parrots need per day, then you are in the RED Area.

For example; macaws need approximately 200-220 calories per day to stay healthy. small Budgies need only 10-15 calories per day.

These numbers are general examples, the calories calculation with parrots is kind of difficult, and it depends not only on size or breed, but it also depends on how active your parrot is, is he at the molting time, is he at his seasonal breeding time, Etc.

And the best way to know what is the right number for your bird is to ask your vet.

Can Parrots Eat Mango Skin?

As you know, the mango skin is the exposed layer of the fruit that people cut through it to reach the delicious yellow flesh. And because of the growing population that demands more and more agricultural products, farmers and big companies found that the use of insecticides is a necessity to meet up the demand and to maximize the crops and profits.

Mangoes are close to this, and I prefer not to serve mango skin to my parrots if I wasn’t sure if my fruit is organic or not. mango skin is high in nutrients, and parrots will enjoy it, though.

Can Parrots Drink Mango Juice?

Although most parrots can drink it, bottled or canned mango juice is not healthy for them, because of the existence of preservatives and other chemicals, not to mention the added sugar to the juice. And if you are talking about the organic juice that you make at home, then you are all good.

Can Parrot Eat Dried Mango?

In some parts of the world, dried mango is a delicious treat that people enjoy, and parrots actually would enjoy dried mango. Just stick with organic dried mango, don’t go for the supermarket products that claim it’s organic and healthy, and the fact is the opposite. You can either dry the mango yourself since it’s very easy, or you can buy it from the whole food market.

Can Parrot Eat Mango Seeds?

There are many fruits like apples and oranges that parrots can not eat its seed because of the high levels of toxins like cyanide. But for mango seed, it’s safe for parrots to consume, but consider moderation when you give your parrot a mango seed. And remember, mango seed is a big seed compared to other types of fruits. The mango seeds come inside a protecting hardened layer, and it’s really hard to open them up to reach the seed. It’s ok to give your parrot while the seed is still inside its layer, your bird may find it entertaining to chew and pick in to take the seed out.