Parrots Sleeping Habits | How Do Parrots Sleep

Like many creatures on earth, parrots also need to sleep daily. The sleeping period differs from one animal to another, and the same goes for parrots as well. The Parrot family is large, and the sleeping period is not the same for all parrot breeds. some breeds need more sleeping time, while other breeds need a shorter time sleeping.

How Do Parrots Sleep?

However, parrots need about 12-14 hours of sleep per day and this period can fluctuate depending on the season. In summer, some parrot breeds may sleep in summer longer than they do in winter. And some other breeds will do the opposite and sleep longer in winter.

And this actually depends on the native wilderness the breed comes from (not where the pet parrot lives), so, the parrots living way far from the equator will more likely sleep longer in the winter, while the breeds that live close to the equator will sleep longer in summer.

These sleeping habits are inherited from their ancestors and they are still active in modern pet parrots, as parrots are actually still exotic pets and not fully domesticated like cats and dogs.

And in this article, we will dive into everything about parrots’ sleeping habits and how you can provide them with optimum sleep to make them wake up happy and refreshed.

So, without further ado, let’s get into this.

sleeping hyacinth macaw parrot

What is The Best Place For Parrots to Sleep?

Preparing a quiet place for your parrot can help to maintain a good mood and healthy mental health for your parrot. So, if you live with family members and you have over one pet, then you have to put the cage in the quietest place in your house, at least when it is time for sleep.

The quiet place can help your parrot to feel safe and it will make it easier for him to fall deep sleeping. Scared parrots will have trouble falling asleep, and this can lead to serious mental problems.

I don’t want to make seem so hard to raise a pet parrot, but you really need to provide a good place to sleep. If the parrot’s cage is in the living room, then there is a probable problem, especially if the living room is being busy all the time by your family members or other pets.

So, every household is different and only the owner can decide which place is the best for the parrot to get enough sleep without interruption.

Apart from that, the sleeping room for your parrot should have the best temperature, which is between 25-27 celsius, and should exceed the level of 29-30 celsius.

The dark place is also a good idea and providing Ultra Violet (UV) light to your parrot at the sleeping time is also better.

What Time Do Parrots Sleep?

All parrots ideally wake up at sunrise and sleep at sunset, and with the existence of artificial light in captivity, the sleeping time for parrots can change and can lead to sleep deprivation, especially if the light was on over 12 hours in the surrounding environment.

So, the best you can do to give your parrot enough time to sleep is to provide 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, this only to help determine how much sleep your parrot needs.

After you know how many hours of sleep your parrot needs, adjust the environment to meet up with your parrot’s sleeping pattern.

There is no general answer on how much that breed needs of sleeping time, yes they have common habits, but remember that every household environment is different and this can actually can affect the sleeping pattern of the parrot, not to mention the other factors like the diet, weather, and the activeness level.

Do Parrots Need Darkness to Sleep?

Yes, darkness can help parrots to feel relaxed and it will make it easier for them to fall asleep. UV light is also good for parrots when they sleep, and actually, they need UV light more than the darkness itself.

This is from the scientific side. While on the practical side, some parrots will show different preferences, like sleeping in daylight or in the owner’s hand, etc.

Is It Ok to Wake up Your Parrot?

If you do enjoy annoying someone while he sleeps then it’s ok, your lovely won’t feel mad about it if you wake him up with treats like mango or dates on your hand, other than that your parrot might plan revenge on you, LOL, just kidding.

But seriously, parrots just like people and other pets like dogs and cats, want to rest as much as they want, so it’s not really worth waking your parrot up for a random reason, just wait for him until he wakes up on his own, this way your parrot will be energetic and happy.

Do Parrots Dream?

Yes, parrots can dream, and dreaming plays an important role in their learning process. Yes, without dreaming, parrots won’t likely be able to make sounds and mimic human words and speech.

Some researchers suggest parrots do dream about the voices they hear during the day, and these dreams and help the parrot to learn how to mimic them while awakening. Other than that, dreams make parrots have a very active and happy day.

What Are The Sleeping Position for Parrots?

Almost all breeds of parrots sleep while they stand on their cage’s perch or on a tree branch in the wild.

However, there are several breeds of parrot that can sleep hanging upside down, and it’s called the Hanging Parrot.

Some parrots might sleep while their head is under one of their wings. Sometimes it’s totally normal and sometimes this behavior could be an indicator of a health problem. In other cases, this behavior could be a sign to the parrot is feeling cold.


Do Parrots Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

In most cases, no, parrots rarely sleep while their eyes are open. If something like that is happening to your parrot, then it might be a sign of a health problem in your parrot’s eye.

Do Parrots Sleep During The Day?

Yes, some parrots, especially the tropical breeds, have the habit of sleeping more during the day, especially on the summer days when the temperature increases. The breed that lives further from the equator may sleep longer in the winter.

How Many Hours of Sleep Does a Parrot Need?

Between 12-14 hours per day. However, the sleeping hours can fluctuate depending on many factors like the parrot breed, diet, weather, and the level of activity and interaction your parrot gets daily.

Should I Cover My Parrots Cage at Night?

Covering the parrot’s cage can provide darkness that will help the parrot to sleep tight. Some parrots will feel safer with a blanket or bedsheet covering their cages, and they probably won’t fall asleep without it. Some pet parrots won’t need it at all, especially if the darkness is available in the surrounding environment.

So, every pet parrot has his own preferences regarding this.

And yes, that’s about it. Hope you find this article informative and easy to digest. Thank you for reading…